Friday, August 17, 2012

The Young and the Old

Fawn in my front yard

I often find deer in my front yard, luckily not in the back fenced-in garden area!  Also, as we walk around in the mornings, beautiful groups of deer can be seen amongst the trees in the lovely golfcourse.

                                                                     15 August 2012
I am now 73 years old! Or is it YOUNGEven though I have felt that I do NOT need to celebrate any more birthdays, friends and family felt differently.  I guess they are celebrating that I MADE it another year!  Here are cards and gifts from them:  flowers, candy, book, bird-measuring spoons, and even a painted egg from the Ukraine.
The stuffed dogs are huskies that I have had for years, but they make a nice centerpiece.  :o)

My children did wonderful things for me:  You are very old!   But, that also means you are very experienced.     
You have figured many things out, like...    The best way to keep a new hairdo out of the rain, and...   
The tactical methods of performing citizens arrests, and...    Innovative ways to perform CPR on kittens, and...  
The stealthy skill of attracting younger, unsuspecting men to drive you around on their motorcycles, and...   
Various other and sundry ways of dealing with the greater world around you.    Just gotta smile when I think about my mom.     You're great.   Happy Birthday!!!     Love, Marsh   
AMEN!   Happy Birthday mom!   Andy    
I second the amen! Happy bday mom.  I think marsh you should write a movie it a series called crazy Jane in or crazy Jane as  Amie  
Cat texted the following:  Happy birthday!  I love you Grandma!!   I’m truly blessed to have you in my life!!  Love the summers at your house and can’t wait for the next!  You are my role model and inspiration!! Lots of love from your #1 fan!   
Quentin called and left a message of  love.

Two friends, Eileen and Marlin, took me out for a Chines lunch.  In case you forgot what I look like, I am in the middle!

Later that day, my friend, King, and I motorcycled around the area and stopped for yogurt.  We celebrated both of our birthdays, his is on the 14th.  King lives about 1/4 mile to the west and is a nice neighbor who walks his dog and sometimes I go along.  I saw a coyote on our trip in the Suisun area.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog and seeing what you and the family is up to! Happy belated birthday! 73 is young!
